Friday, October 14, 2016

Oh the Hypocrisy!

I understand completely.  I do.  

As a Christian, as a wife and mother, Donald Trump pretty much disgusts me.  He does. 

But, here’s my problem….

The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party disgusts me more.

All across America, throughout liberal college campuses everywhere, our youth are chugging down alcohol, smoking pot, raping women, causing riots and disrespecting all elements of authority.  They do so under the promotion of disenfranchisement and the protection leadership in this country.  For years, this country has passed off this behavior as “rights of passages.”  Whether it has been athletes or spoiled yuppies, we have bailed them out of jails, coddled them as victims, celebrated their prowess, and considered their “potential” so we could look the other way.

We have young women in this country, who celebrate prancing around half-dressed, sleep around, and use filthy language and spewing hate.  Meanwhile, they demand respect and ownership their bodies in such a way that they think they are God. They expect equal pay and opportunity, but aren't willing to work for it and refuse to pay for the education they chose to squander away at bars, coffee shops and marches.  

Meanwhile, we have celebrities who promote violence and sexual assault on screen, while off screen pouring guilt money into anti-bullying and anti-gun programs.  We have a music industry whose lyrics promote racial hatred and demean women, and are surprised when their listeners use their very words in their daily speech.  The stirring of discontent leads to violence, drug abuse and suicide.

This President and the Democratic Party has had years to stand up for women and morality.  They have chosen to burden women with abortion as a means of birth control instead of demanding that men take personal and financial responsibility. They could have focused this energy into supporting and protecting vulnerable women and providing for the unborn. They have had countless opportunities to clean up our colleges, regulate drugs, and punish those who abuse the laws of the land.  Where has Mrs. Obama been?  She could have been sharing her "faith" with impressionable, innocent youth – pleading with girls to respect themselves enough to protect their bodies and pursue their dreams?  Instead she was planting gardens and lecturing us on our sugar intake.  Why hasn’t Mr. Obama used his testimony to illustrate the progress of civil rights in this country, the problems within the inner city and promote what IS possible? To what benefit has it served to merely complain, when they have had the position and power to mobilize this country to greatness?  

I don’t think there is a conservative in the land who celebrates Trump’s perspectives on women.  Almost all of his supporters are disappointed and have refused to defend him.  He knows it and has apologized.  Yet, the very population that was offended by Clinton's impeachment, cries out in shock and horror at Trump's language. Well, I don’t buy it; not from the Democratic party.  It further solidifies the dis-ingenuousness of the party.  And one thing that I won’t be party to is compromising my own integrity by pretending that I am perfect.   

Here's the deal...

I honestly do not the condition of Donald’s soul and it is really not for me to say (John 8:7).  It is true, a Christian is known by his fruit (Matt 7:16), but I also know that even Christians have sin in our lives, and our Christian walk is a journey, growing in grace and gradually changing to be more like Jesus (2 Cor 3:18, Phil 3:12). Whereas the Clintons have claimed to be Christians their entire life, their public life has been rampant with dishonesty and immorality.  Donald has not made such a claim.  He has admitted that he has lived the majority of his life without Christ.  And his life reflects that.  He has claimed to be evolving and has shown a gradual change in his views and his positions.  I do not know if he understands what being a Christian means. His speech certainly doesn't resemble a typical born-again Christian.  However, when I was first saved, I didn't either.  I still held many un-Biblical opinions and was very confused what a relationship with Christ meant to my life. In spite that, God saved me. I knew I was a sinner, I asked for forgiveness, and welcomed him to take control of my life.  It took time to learn and grow and change my habits and views. It was not instant or easy - and I wasn't running for President, having every word scrutinized.

If he is a Christian, he is a baby one.  Instead of condemning the man, we should be supporting him, encouraging him and praying that God continues to work in his life.  How dare any Christian judge him based on his life without Christ – what would we expect? I would be doomed if I have to be held to account for my life prior to Christ. Praise God, I am made new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Folks, Christianity is progress over perfection. However, when I look at the Clinton's and their continued lack of integrity over the course of their lives, it is evident to me they have perverted their faith to fit their politics.  Rotten fruit.

So, for now, I will judge Trump on policy. I will vote for the issues I can influence.

I want safety and opportunity of my family. I want borders to protect us from enemies who wish us harm. I want a gun rights to protect us from those who violate those bounds. I want school choice to protect our impressionable youth from liberal poisoning.  I want healthcare rights to protect us from malpractice. I want freedom to protect our rights to worship and speak according to our conscious. I don't need a preacher or a nanny in the White House; I want a leader, a defender, a scholar, and a servant. 

I will never have the political power to change the way someone acts or speaks.  But, I will exercise my rights to vote for the candidate who believe in consequences for breaking the law, respecting life and protecting our rights. Someone said recently that it is not a matter of choosing between two evils, but voting for the most good. I am not voting for Donald Trump, I am voting for a platform. 

I am voting for the Republican Party Platform.  This is the only platform that stands upon a commitment to my core values. This party believes in American exceptionalism and the integrity of our Constitution.  Will I be disappointed in the person for which I cast my vote?  No doubt I will. However, when I stand before God, I will know I voted for a set of ideas and ideals that was most consistent with God's Word. 

This presidency is a caricature of our country.  If you are disgusted and ashamed, then look around.  This is our America.  These are the types of people we elevate… selfish, pandering, egocentric elites. The Republican Party had 16 candidates - SIXTEEN.  Many were ethical, brilliant, lifelong servants of this country.  But, instead the American majority wanted a sideshow.

I have no blinders on about the negatives of a Trump presidency.  He is a loose cannon. But as President, he is constrained by checks and balances. His speech will be no more offensive than the policies that have been promoted this last eight years.  His relationships around the world can damage us no more than Obama’s. 

Trump is right…what do we have to lose?  It is pathetic.  But, alas, here we are.

I agree that we are better than this.  I have a hope for revival, and a change of hearts and minds in this country.  But, it won’t happen in this election; it won’t happen with any election. It will happen when knees begin to bow… when we collectively humble themselves and realize we are sinful and in need a Savior.  Until then, I will honor God with my vote and thank him for the privilege of being in a country where I am free to do so.