Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Nation that Feeds upon Itself

I truly feel that most people in this country are proud of their nation, and want to see us united and value the freedoms and traditions we all enjoy as Americans.  I believe the American public would prefer an honest and ethical president. I think all parties would celebrate a diverse government with broad representation – across race, religion, economic status and gender.  I know any loving parent also wants the best future for their child, and that every child wants their parents cared for in their golden years. 

In that same spirit, I would also wager that the majority of Americans understand the positive intent of our Constitution, as it was written.  However, what I am beginning to understand - what I now believe - is that Americans truly not comprehend the risks and ramifications of its slow erosion.  Either willfully or unwittingly, we have become uninformed and apathetic regarding hour nation's history and the principles it was founded on.  The truth is, the constitution was written to protect us from both the tyranny of our rulers and from our own selfish natures.

Instead, we have become a nation that feeds on itself like an ouroboros. Many have succumbed to the myth that our Constitution is immortal. Like the mythical snake that devours its own tail, many believe if we just change our form, we can evolve alongside culture. However, the reality is, once we bite off the tail, the organism slowly decays and will be unable to sustain itself.  Although our Constitution was fully designed to be amended, its vital appendages were never intended to be amputated.

A broader examination of history can provide more context.
Unlike the Constitution, which has been scrutinized in 
the courts to re-interpret over generations, the Declaration of Independence, as a historical record, remains unchanged. The Declaration serves as the testimony from our founding fathers, stating why this country fought for independence, what principles this country would be built upon, and who gave them their rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Our rights were not given to us by the government. Our government was created to protect our God-given rights.  When the monarchy in England became a tyranny, the people revolted and fought.  Many are blindly surrendering their rights back to an authority, other than their Creator, ignorant of what it will cost to get them back.

Because our rights are endowed by our Creator, they are inherent and unalienable. People unfamiliar with their Creator, are deceived into relativism.  When we remove our Creator from society, individuals make “self” their God. That leads to a nation of egocentric citizens, motivated by their own interests, instead of the benefit of the majority.  That isn’t democracy; that is anarchy.
Sadly, Americans have become uninformed and uninterested in truth.  By truth, I mean objective facts. In an age where information is endless and instantaneous, people have permitted the media to propagandize their perceptions of history, rather than discern truth themselves, based on facts. In addition, institutes of education have blurred the lines of fact and fiction, altering recorded history to conform to present culture.  In a nation of narcissists, we subscribe only to the perspectives we agree with – further deafening us our own demise.  That isn’t  the pursuit of truth; than is indoctrination.

If we continue to elect representatives who serve themselves, versus listening to the govern; if we elect a president who chooses which laws to enforce, based on his own beliefs; if we continue to allow the courts to deconstruct the foundation that our Constitution was built upon, we will, in essence, have eaten our own tail.  And, these words of the Declaration may haunt us once again: 
The history of the present [Government] King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.

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