Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just the Facts

Rather than debate the traditional pro-life bullet points, I will defer to the numbers. If they do not shock you or at least trouble you, perhaps that makes my biggest point of all. . . .

Number of American battle deaths in all U.S. wars since the birth of our nation (1776): 654,000
Number of American infant deaths by abortion in all the U.S. since 1970: 52,333,826
Ratio of U.S. abortions to battle deaths in all U.S. wars: 80 to 1
Maybe we’re fighting the wrong war. . . .

Number of Americans of all ages and races murdered daily by handguns – 20.5
Number of American unborn babies of all races killed every day by scalpels – 3,411
Ratio of babies killed by abortion to people killed by handguns: 166.4 to 1
Maybe we’re controlling the wrong weapons. . . .

Average cost for an abortion in the United States today: $500
Estimated cost of preventing an abortion through compassionate education: $25
Ratio of cost of an abortion to cost of education: 20:1
Maybe we're paying for the wrong health “care.”

Suicide rate for women following a live birth: 5.9 per 100,000.
Suicide rate for women following an abortion: 34.7 per 100,000.
Increased risk to women who have had abortions: 488%
Maybe women have been deceived. . . .

Notes: Basic Data drawn from the U.S. Statistical Abstract, and World Almanac with projections and analysis by the Movement for a Better America. Abortion data based on published data from Guttmacher Institute. Abortion Index is updated every six months. Latest update: 1-2-2010 For permission to distribute copies of The Abortion Index, write to:

Movement for a Better America
PO Box 472
Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970-0472

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