Tuesday, November 3, 2009

All Things to All People

The unique and respectable quality of Christianity is its exclusiveness. This is what non-Christians despise about it. But, it is what the God of the Bible commands of His believers; there is one true God and One Truth. That is why the Holy Bible remains undiminished.

When you accept Christ into your life, you start to appreciate some basic principles found in the Bible. If you are in doubt about what to believe, you refer back to the Holy Bible and see what God says about the particular issue. Its not always clear in one verse, but put into conext of the entire Word of God, you can come to a sound conclusion on most matters. However, if you are searching the Bible to accommodate your beliefs, you are preverting God's Word. Further, once you deviate from what the Bible says or seek other sources for counsel which conflicts with the Bible, that viewpoint can no longer be supported or tolerated within the faith. It is sin.

This assessment is not intended to address any particular issue, but to illustrate a parallel to the adoption of ones political views.

As a citizen of this country, one appreciates some basic principles of our Constitution. If one is in doubt of how the country should work or how people should be treated or what laws are based upon, one can refer to our Constitution. Not every law is detailed within the document, but from that, you can typically understand the cohesive succession of law. If a law contradicts that foundation and/or a law is being manipulated into an individual's "interpretation" of that document, it becomes a perversion of original context.

In the case of our American Constitution, much perversion or the original intent has taken place. To accruately understand the authors' intent, one needs to be reminded of the history of oppression our founding fathers experienced prior to drafting it. They were not, as some suggest, unfamiliar with the issues or today. In fact, it was many of the issues of today they they were trying to protect Americans from. Our Constitution, as the Christian faith, are based on this central theme: Freedom with Responsibility.

God allowed an imperfect world so that his children may choose the life they wish to live. Jesus came to lead, to be an example, so that people may choose to follow him. God gave us the ability, a brain and a heart make our own decision. But, He says, once you "call my name", you are "not your own." He gave us freedom, but once we choose to follow him, it comes with certain responsibilities, which we willingly and joyfully submit to, because we are thankful for his grace and forgiveness.

Likewise, our founding fathers wrote the Constitution based on freedom and responsibility. We are not wards to an oppressive King who demands our unfailing loyalty. We are not told how to think, what to say or forbidden to question. We have a President to serve as a leader, at our pleasure. He is supposed to be our representative, our defender and our example to follow. He is not elected to author the laws but to enforce them. He is not to serve the other bodies of government, but the people.

To ensure limited powers, we have the Consitution. It is to be view as a whole; a complete work. Once someone begins to chip into that framework, by adding to it or subtracting from it as trends may change, we diminish the country's integrity. It is no longer, uniquely and exclusively "American."

Therefore, if one wants to discuss the merits of Americanism, that is fine. If one wants to challenge the abuses of individuals with the established framework, great. But we are not a nation of "all things to all people." This nation is a refuge for those who are seeking what we have. If someone doesn't like the manuscript from which principles are built - well, they have the freedom to shop for a better story.

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