Monday, May 9, 2016

Truth Beyond the Quotes

Every day I see clever quotes on social media followed by a comment, “Truth!” It is amazing how these simple sayings speak personally to so many. When I read these posts on Facebook, I scroll past those that I don't relate to, and like other that resonate with me.

Lately, though, I have started to question what exactly I am liking. What do these quotes even mean? Does the person sharing it even know what it means? Do they think it means the same thing as I do? Does liking the quote mean I subscribe to their meaning? Can any quote be a source of universal truth? A thumbs up became a weighty decision!

I concluded that the source of wisdom in any quote is found solely in its context. Context, when shared on social media, is often lost entirely. Quotes consumed without context become agnostic. They are only universal truths because they are applied in a million different ways instantaneously. The audience must read context into the quote to give it meaning, rather than the speaker using the words to convey its meaning.

Well, so what? Isn't that okay? Doesn't language intentionally leave space for interpretation? At the risk of both proving and contradicting my point, I'll provide a perfectly placed quote.

Without context, words and actions have no meaning at all.
George Bateson

This quote illustrates the distinction. Quotes without context do not become universally true, but altogether meaningless. Words are never shared without attempting to convey a specific message. It is the message that holds meaning, not the words. Adolph Hitler and Jesus Christ both spoke truth about the nature of man. People quote these men to illustrate different characteristics, for different motives. But, men such as these are often misquoted, or rather, quoted out of context.  Words can be crafted and quoted to serve good or evil and sometimes we cannot find the distinction between the quotes. These men illustrate not only the power and longevity of words, but the power of those who wield them for their purpose.

As a Christian, I intimately know the power of God's Word. God gave us Scripture not just to share, but to change lives! The original text is divinely breathed into existence – each story, person and word is intentionally included or excluded. Think about that! Everything we know or don’t know about God is on purpose! Therefore, we would be wise to represent him cautiously. We cannot pick and choose Scripture to fit our purpose, but His. He did not speak to be quoted, but to be known. We must resist limiting God's message by abridging His truth.

Unfortunately, we are sharing out faith to a generation who cannot focus beyond a headline. Most rely on the media to crop what’s important into 30 second segments. We are told what is “news” through texts and ticker boards. People do not wait for the "rest of the story," but make instant judgments based on little information. Time is precious and attention spans are short.

But we must tell the whole story! Remember that when Christians quote Scripture, the unsaved do not yet have the privilege of knowing God. They read it from their own viewpoint and create their own meaning. It is often from that perspective alone, people will accept it as truth. They might like it or even share it, but it doesn't mean they understand or believe it.

Does that mean we shouldn't quote Scripture? No, of course not. But, we should take the time to give God's Word his voice. When I share a verse, my goal is for others to know the speaker and his message. I don't just want them to relate to the words, but respond to the text. By sharing the whole counsel of God - the truth beyond the quotes - people will truly find meaning.

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